An outlook of the completed College Biogas Dome from above
The above refereed project started in earnest on Friday13th March, 2015
after a colorful ceremony to hand over the site to the contracting
firm, Pharma Consulting Engineers, witnessed by the
CAVS and Ministry of
Energy and Petroleum officials. The contract was signed between the
Ministry and the Contracting firm on 5
th March 2015. The
contract sum is KES 7.5 million and construction will take 20 weeks and
an additional 8 weeks of system testing.
The work has progressed well with the following accomplished to date.
1. Digester and expansion chamber construction completed
2. Gas pipe line of 1.3 km in length excavated, laid and backfilled to the right compaction.
3. Seven water condensation traps put in place to collect vapour that would otherwise impede gas flow to the kitchen.
4. Channel to direct cow dung to mixing chamber for ease of collection and channel to direct bio-slurry to the nearby farm.
5. Biogas bag , compressor, desulfulizer, 4- 50 litre cook stoves and
two gas meters procured in readiness for installation once gas build up
is witnessed and possible leakages eliminated completely.
6. Biogas bag enclosure completed, though anticipated to provide a shelter