Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Can we adequately and nutritionally feed ourselves? Give your contribution

Food and Nutrition security is of great concern and a challenge 
which is becoming very evasive to solve or handle globally and 
yet in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 food is a rights issue. 
The level of hunger and malnutrition in the world today is 
worrying and this is going to become more serious in the presence 
of climate change. Technocrats at global level and development 
partners are making efforts to tackle this challenge. Hunger and 
malnutrition should be considered as a developmental issue. 
At some quarters there is a belief emerging that the world 
has adequate food and that we should concentrate our efforts 
elsewhere to be able to feed ourselves. Current global population 
is about 7 billion and expected to reach just above 9 billion 
by 2050. Give your contribution on this issue of food and nutrition 
security or just on hunger and malnutrition and how we can manage 
this problem whether at national, regional or global level.

A. W. Mwang'ombe, PhD,
Principal, CAVS, UoN.

Friday, July 25, 2014


Unknown Object
All students in the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences are invited to attend a Motivational Talk which is scheduled for Friday 25th July, 2014 starting from 12.30p.m. to 2.00p.m at the 8-4-4 lecture theatre. The guest speaker will be Mr. Lennard Ojiambo Asher of Empowermenr Resource Technologies Limited. Mr. Asher is a well known Consultant and Motivational Speaker. You stand to benefit by attending this important talk.
Refreshments will be served at the Prinicpal's parking after the talk.

CAVS NEWS - July to December 2013 Edition Now Out

This is to inform all that the CAVS Newsletter, July - December 2013 edition is now out.Click to read the newsletter online.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

September 2014 Admissions in Progress

This is to inform all prospective College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences students that the September admissions for various Certificate, Diploma, undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes are on progress. These programs are offered in face-to-face and ODEL modes.
For more information, contact the deans and director offices as follows;
1. Dean, Faculty of Agriculture
Tel: +254 020 2181354

2. Dean, Faculty of veterinary Medicine
Tel: +254 020-2181370

3. Director, WMIPES
Tel: +254 20 2506448


Click to read more.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Consultative meeting between University of Nairobi and Mea Limited on implementation of Biofix® Technology Transfer

The meeting was held on 11th July 2014 at Mea Limited Head Office (West End Towers-Westlands). The meeting was co-chaired by the MD Mea Ltd ,Mr. Eustus Muriuki and UoN Intellectual Property coordinator, Prof. J.W. Mwangi. CAVS was represented by Ag. Chairman Dept. LARMAT, Prof. G. Kironchi , and College Bursar, Mr. G. Ndiritu .

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Green Cleaner Environment

The College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS) had set a target to plant 20,000 tree seedlings of mainly indigenous species in the year 2013/2014. In the two tree planting seasons, i.e. October-November 2013 and April-June 2014, the College in partnership with various collaborating institutions and carried out an intense tree planting programme at various locations mainly on the University land. 
Staff and Students planting tree at Kanyariri Veterinary Farm - UoN
This aimed to contribute towards a ‘Green Cleaner Environment’, which was the year’s theme in tree planting and other environmental sustainability activities.
A total of 20,198 trees seedlings were planted.
Read more and make comments on how the University improve on her tree planting programmes that are run by different colleges and Units.