Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Can we adequately and nutritionally feed ourselves? Give your contribution

Food and Nutrition security is of great concern and a challenge 
which is becoming very evasive to solve or handle globally and 
yet in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 food is a rights issue. 
The level of hunger and malnutrition in the world today is 
worrying and this is going to become more serious in the presence 
of climate change. Technocrats at global level and development 
partners are making efforts to tackle this challenge. Hunger and 
malnutrition should be considered as a developmental issue. 
At some quarters there is a belief emerging that the world 
has adequate food and that we should concentrate our efforts 
elsewhere to be able to feed ourselves. Current global population 
is about 7 billion and expected to reach just above 9 billion 
by 2050. Give your contribution on this issue of food and nutrition 
security or just on hunger and malnutrition and how we can manage 
this problem whether at national, regional or global level.

A. W. Mwang'ombe, PhD,
Principal, CAVS, UoN.


  1. Following CAVS website, you are doing amazing research. Keep it up.


  2. Yes, we can adequately feed ourselves if we take climate change issues into consideration.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is important to ask and answer these questions,
    Thank you for starting the conversation

  5. Yes we can.we have a lot of Food but the Structures are poorly Setup.

  6. we have potential to feed our selves and surplus can feed our neighbors.

  7. Food insecurity is already a major concern in Africa,especially in Arid and semi arid lands.This notwithstanding,climate change will only worsen the situation.Therefore the African countries, the most vulnerable should mainstream climate change issues into their short term and long term planning cycles.http:/

  8. Currently,ongoing measures have been incorporated to try and address this issue,but this notwithstanding most of the African countries are still faced with multiple challenges.....http:/

  9. Indeed most of the developing countries are no exemption either. For instance significant countries in Asia have also fallen victims of the phenomenon...
